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3 Style Tutorial on Wearing Hijab Nissa Syabyan

3 Style Tutorial on Wearing Hijab Nissa Syabyan

Muslim fashion is increasingly becoming a trend with the contemporary presence of a solid match. 

By continuing to follow kesopan in accordance with the norms of Islam, you can combine the style of hijab so beautiful to the eye.

One of these interesting hijab styles of Nissa Sabyan.

The singer who is the vocalist of the Sabyan gambus group is increasingly known after their viral video clips in cyberspace. 

The chanting with a melodious voice made him loved and idolized by various circles.

With Nagita Slavina in the video she shared through video sharing sites, Nissa Sabyan gave her hijab tutorial.

Nissa uses a simple but stylish hijab style. Nissa mixes with edgy and contemporary fashion choices following the style of the millennial generation. 

Here's the hijab tutorial ala Nissa Sabyan. 

Hijab Layer Style

3 Style Tutorial on Wearing Hijab Nissa Syabyan
Instagram @nisaa
This Hijab layer is used for casual and formal events. 

First provide a pashmina hijab then place it over your head, with the left and right sides the same length.

Then take the left part then pin the needle to the bottom of the ear. The rest take it back to look neat. 

For a formal event, Nissa Sabyan used to add accessory earrings pinned to the hijab. 

Hijab Classic Style

Hijab Model Nisya Sabyan
Instagram @nisaa
Classic-style hijab is very easy and simple to use. So that this style can be used on various occasions.

First use the pashmina hijab, then give the needle under the chin. 

Take both sides of the same length, then pull back. Tie it back neatly and perfectly. 

Hijab Unfinish Style

Tutorial Hijabs
Instagram @nisa
This unfinish style of hijab gives the impression of edgy to Nissa Sabyan appearance.

The use is quite easy, Make sure you use the inner ninja to cover the neck perfectly.

Put the pashmina hijab on the head with both sides the same length.

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Take both sides then bring it back, then tie it perfectly.

Grab both sides and then take it back, then tied perfectly.

This hijab style is perfect for you who do not have much time to dress up.

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